Case Study: Element Biosciences launch their next-gen product the Element AVITI™ System to a global virtual audience. | Next.js Blog Example with WordPress

Case Study: Element Biosciences launch their next-gen product the Element AVITI™ System to a global virtual audience.

Cover Image for Case Study: Element Biosciences launch their next-gen product the Element AVITI™ System to a global virtual audience.
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Element Biosciences is a start-up with a difference. A multi-disciplinary biotech company focused on innovating genetic analysis tools, this Californian visionary have been developing their modular and high-performing DNA sequencing platform since 2017.

A highly important platform for the biochemistry and sequencing industry, Element Biosciences wanted to launch the Element AVITI™ System to an international audience of industry professionals.

The Elembio product launch had to convey the innovation and sophistication of the AVITI™ System and provide a suitable platform for experts to present, meet and discuss five years of important research.

Background and Challenges

Element Biosciences wanted to create a virtual event worthy of the public debut of their first DNA sequencing product, making a splash in a competitive market with its benchtop-sized Element AVITI™ System, designed to provide flexible genomic analyses from cost and performance standpoints. The key USP’s of the product needed to be commercially rolled-out through a series of brand videos and expert discussions.

With an audience including industry giants and business partners, Agilent Technologies, Google DeepVariant, Qiagen, Roche and 10x Genomics, every nuance of the event needed to be sophisticated, seamless and focused.

The Solution | The Elembio Event on VX

We created and hosted a virtual conference experience that included ticketing, broadcasting, streaming, networking and content communication to launch Element AVITI™ System to market. Hosted on our VX platform tool, the Elembio Event was delivered via two global sessions and attracted over 3000 attendees to learn about the revolutionary and cost-saving effect of the Element AVITI™ System upon the industry.

The virtual content hub showcased the Element Biosciences road to patents and the live timeline facilitated panel sessions with interactive audience Q&A. A rich daily experience schedule in collaboration with scientists worldwide included a range of activations, debates, talks and interviews.

The Results | A Product Launch with Global Reach

Guests from over forty-three countries were able to join Element Biosciences for their important launch of Element AVITI™ System, regardless of time-zone and scheduling differences. With 24,000 direct engagements over the event from 2300+ industry professionals, Element Biosciences benefited from a substantial increase in conversations leading to product sales and the whole team considered their first launch event a huge success.

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