FAQ: How do I manage registrations for my event? | gther Event Platform and Apps

FAQ: How do I manage registrations for my event?

Cover Image for FAQ: How do I manage registrations for my event?
Nick Rosier
Written by Nick Rosier

VX has a system to send login links to users registered on the platform.

Users can be added individually on the ‘Event Users’ tab, or in bulk via a .csv upload.

Bespoke registration systems, both with and without payments, are available on request – contact us at ask@wordpress.gther.com for more details and estimates.

The platform can also integrate with customer CRM systems such as Salesforce or Marketo to automatically onboard people who register through those tools.

We have a customisable payment gateway and registration tool that can be provided for companies who don’t have an existing registration tool for customers to use to sign up.


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