FAQ: I cannot see the streaming session properly | gther Event Platform and Apps

FAQ: I cannot see the streaming session properly

Cover Image for FAQ: I cannot see the streaming session properly
Nick Rosier
Written by Nick Rosier

You need to check the following

1. Have you tried refreshing your browser, or going into incognito mode?

Resetting like this often works

2. Are you based in China?

If so, we often provide a streaming session especially for Chinese viewers, make the support person aware of this.

3. Are you viewing on Internet Explorer?

The player will not work on Internet Explorer

4. Have you disabled JavaScript on your browser?

You will need to re-enable it or select another browser with it enabled.

5. Are you on the latest version of your browser and operating system?

If you have browser or operating system updates pending, then you may experience issues.

We recommend Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge, running on the latest, or one version back.

For Safari we support the latest version on MacOS, iOS & iPadOS.

To keep up to date on Chrome https://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/chrome/update/

6. Are you running on a corporate network that uses Citrix?

Ask your network supervisor to allow real time caching for this site.

7. If all else fails

Try another browser, we recommend Chrome, Safari, Firefox, MS Edge


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